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Simplify Your Work Life with Plain Language

This FREE guide offers plain-language alternatives to more than 40 common corporate words and phrases. Add them to your work vocabulary to improve communication and reduce the ick-factor.

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From "alignment" to "why" used as a noun, workplaces are full of words and phrases that are made up or overused to the point of diminishing meaning.

We all know that corporate-speak (words and phrases found primarily in corporate settings) are frustrating or simply give us the "ick." How many times can you hear "circle back" or "stakeholders" before you roll your eyes? Worse, you leave a meeting after someone repeatedly uses a word in a way that the meaning is difficult to discern, but you now are supposed to take some action.

This is when corporate-speak becomes truly ineffective communication. These terms don't need to be eliminated completely (though for some it would be nice). Instead, using alternatives to, if nothing else, create variety and, ideally, improve clarity, can greatly improve our experiences of work.

Simplify Your Work Life with Plain Langugage

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